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What Affiliate Managers Need to Know About Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Sam Brady

25 Apr 2023

GA4 is coming, here is what you need to be aware of

If you're an affiliate manager, tracking your affiliate program's performance is crucial for its success. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google's analytics software that can help you gain insights into your affiliate campaigns. In this article, we'll cover everything an affiliate manager needs to know about GA4, starting with an overview of the software.

Understanding Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

GA4 is the next generation of Google Analytics that provides a more advanced and comprehensive view of user behavior. It uses machine learning to provide deeper insights into user journeys across various devices and platforms, including web, mobile, and offline. With GA4, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers' behavior and preferences, allowing them to make more informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

Key Differences Between GA4 and Universal Analytics

GA4 has some notable differences from Universal Analytics (UA), the previous version of Google Analytics that affiliate managers might be familiar with. One of the biggest differences is that GA4 uses an event-based data model, which means data is collected and reported through events, rather than pageviews. This allows GA4 to provide more comprehensive insights into user behavior, such as the specific actions users take on a website or app. Additionally, GA4 has a more user-centric approach, which focuses on the individual user's journey rather than just their interactions with a website or app.

Another key difference between GA4 and UA is the way that data is organized. In GA4, data is organized into streams, which are collections of events that are related to a specific user or activity. This makes it easier for businesses to analyze and understand their data, as they can see how different events are related to each other and how they contribute to overall user behavior.

GA4's Data Collection and Integration Features

In GA4, you can collect data from different sources, including websites, apps, and offline data. This allows businesses to gain a more complete picture of their customers' behavior, as they can see how users interact with their brand across different touchpoints. GA4 also integrates with various Google products, such as Google Ads, Campaign Manager, and Display & Video 360, to give a complete picture of a user's journey across various touchpoints.

One of the most powerful features of GA4 is its ability to track user behavior across different devices and platforms. With GA4, businesses can see how users interact with their brand on mobile devices, desktop computers, and even offline. This allows businesses to gain a more complete understanding of their customers' behavior and preferences, which can help them make more informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

Enhanced Privacy and Compliance in GA4

GA4 has enhanced privacy features to make it easier for businesses to comply with privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). It offers features such as consent mode and user-centric measurement, which give users more control over their data and opt-out options.

Consent mode allows businesses to adjust their data collection based on a user's consent preferences. For example, if a user opts out of certain types of data collection, businesses can adjust their tracking accordingly. User-centric measurement, on the other hand, focuses on individual user behavior rather than just aggregate data. This allows businesses to gain a more complete understanding of their customers' behavior while still respecting their privacy preferences.

Overall, GA4 represents a significant step forward in the world of digital analytics. With its advanced features and capabilities, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers' behavior and preferences, allowing them to make more informed decisions about their marketing strategies. Whether you're a small business owner or a marketing professional, GA4 is a powerful tool that can help you take your digital marketing to the next level.

Setting Up GA4 for Affiliate Managers

If you're an affiliate manager looking to use GA4 to track your affiliate program's performance, you need to set up a GA4 property for your website or app. This is an important step that will allow you to gain valuable insights into how your affiliates are performing, what types of traffic they're driving, and which marketing strategies are working best for your program.

Setting up a GA4 property is easy, and can be done in just a few simple steps. Here's how:

Creating a GA4 Property

The first step in setting up GA4 for your affiliate program is to create a new GA4 property from your Google Analytics account. To do this, simply navigate to the admin section of your account and click on "Create Property." From there, you'll be prompted to enter some basic information about your website or app, such as its name and URL. Once you've done that, you can click "Create" to set up your new property.

It's important to note that GA4 properties are different from UA properties, which were used in previous versions of Google Analytics. GA4 properties use a new tracking code and data model, which allows for more advanced tracking and analysis.

Implementing GA4 Tracking on Your Website

Once you've created a GA4 property, you need to implement the GA4 tracking code on your website. This code is different from the UA tracking code, so you'll need to update your website's code accordingly. Fortunately, Google provides detailed instructions for implementing GA4 tracking code on the Google Analytics Help Center.

When implementing GA4 tracking code, it's important to be careful and test your code thoroughly before going live. This will help ensure that your tracking is working correctly and that you're collecting accurate data.

Configuring GA4 for Affiliate Tracking

To track your affiliate program's performance, you need to set up specific events in GA4 that correspond to different actions, such as clicks or conversions. You can do this by creating custom events in GA4 or using pre-built events designed for affiliate tracking.

Creating custom events allows you to track specific actions that are important to your affiliate program, such as clicks on affiliate links or conversions from affiliate traffic. Pre-built events, on the other hand, are designed specifically for affiliate tracking and can be used to track common actions such as clicks, impressions, and conversions.

Once you've set up your events, you can use the GA4 reporting interface to view detailed reports on your affiliate program's performance. This will allow you to identify trends, track progress, and make data-driven decisions about your program's future.

Overall, setting up GA4 for your affiliate program is an essential step that can help you gain valuable insights into your program's performance. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that you're collecting accurate data and tracking the metrics that matter most to your program's success.

GA4's Advanced Reporting Features

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a powerful tool that provides more comprehensive and actionable insights into user behavior, making it an essential tool for businesses and marketers. Let's dive into some of GA4's advanced reporting features:

Real-time Reporting and Analysis

One of the biggest advantages of GA4 is its real-time reporting and analysis capabilities. With GA4, you can get up-to-date insights into how users are interacting with your website or app. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to quickly respond to changing user behavior or market trends.

For example, if you notice a sudden increase in traffic to a specific page on your website, you can quickly analyze that page to determine why it's performing well and make any necessary changes to optimize it further.

Custom Funnels and Conversion Paths

GA4 allows you to create custom funnels and conversion paths to track specific user journeys on your website or app. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that have complex sales funnels or multiple conversion points.

With custom funnels and conversion paths, you can identify areas where users drop off or convert, allowing you to optimize your website or app to improve the user experience and increase conversions.

Cross-platform and Cross-device Tracking

Another advantage of GA4 is its ability to track user behavior across various devices and platforms. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that have a mobile app or a website that users access from multiple devices.

With cross-platform and cross-device tracking, you can get a complete picture of a user's journey, regardless of the touchpoints they use. This allows you to better understand how users interact with your brand and optimize your marketing efforts accordingly.

In conclusion, GA4's advanced reporting features provide businesses and marketers with more comprehensive and actionable insights into user behavior, making it an essential tool for optimizing website and app performance, improving the user experience, and increasing conversions.

Leveraging GA4's Enhanced Ecommerce Capabilities

GA4's enhanced ecommerce capabilities allow you to track your affiliate program's performance in more detail, including conversions and revenue. Here's how:

Tracking Affiliate Conversions and Revenue

You can set up conversion tracking in GA4 to track specific actions that correspond to affiliate conversions, such as a completed purchase. This allows you to see which affiliates are driving the most conversions and revenue for your program. By tracking revenue generated by affiliate conversions, you can calculate your affiliate program's return on investment (ROI). This information can help you make data-driven decisions about your program's budget and commission structure.

For example, if you notice that a particular affiliate is driving a high number of conversions but the revenue generated is relatively low, you may want to adjust their commission rate or provide them with additional resources to help improve their conversion rate. On the other hand, if an affiliate is generating a significant amount of revenue but few conversions, you may want to work with them to optimize their promotional strategy or identify areas where your website's user experience can be improved.

Analyzing Affiliate Performance with GA4

GA4 provides detailed reports on your affiliate program's performance, including conversion rates, revenue generated, and top-performing affiliates. This information can help you identify areas where your affiliate program is thriving and areas where it needs improvement. For example, if you notice that your program's overall conversion rate is low, you may want to focus on improving your website's user experience or providing affiliates with more targeted marketing materials.

Additionally, GA4 allows you to segment your data by various dimensions, such as traffic source or device type. This can help you identify which affiliates are driving the most traffic and revenue from specific channels, allowing you to optimize your program's promotional strategy accordingly.

Optimizing Affiliate Campaigns Using GA4 Insights

With the insights provided by GA4, you can optimize your affiliate campaigns to increase conversions and revenue. For example, you can identify top-performing affiliates and reward them accordingly, or tweak your website's user experience to reduce drop-offs.

GA4 also allows you to set up custom alerts and notifications based on specific metrics, such as a sudden drop in conversion rate or a significant increase in revenue from a particular affiliate. This allows you to quickly identify and address any issues or opportunities within your program.

Overall, GA4's enhanced ecommerce capabilities provide affiliate program managers with a wealth of data and insights to help them make informed decisions about their program's performance and optimization. By leveraging these capabilities, you can maximize the ROI of your affiliate program and drive sustainable growth for your business.


GA4 is a powerful analytics tool that can help affiliate managers gain actionable insights into their affiliate programs' performance. By setting up specific events and tracking parameters, you can monitor your affiliate program's performance in real-time and optimize your campaigns for better results.

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